Madison Mondragón

Madison Mondragón

Madison Mondragón

Attorney at Law  

I grew up in the rural north Texas town of Bridgeport. If you ever find yourself in my hometown, be sure to look out for the street named after my grandfather and me.  

My mom practiced family law for 34 years and is now a judge, so naturally family law has surrounded me for my entire life. I was a regular at the local courthouse: dropping off documents with the district clerk’s office, collecting a signature from the Judge’s chambers, and peeking around the courtroom when the bailiff was not around to stop me.

Although family law was in my blood, that was not the case for my college choice. I have thirty plus family members who attended Texas A&M, which makes my choice to attend the University of Texas a bold one. I graduated with honors from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Government. 

After undergrad, I attended Tulane University School of Law in New Orleans. Though I miss the food and Mardi Gras, I fell in love with Austin and always knew that I’d call it home permanently some day. 

I grew to love family law because each family has its own unique story, with complexities and opportunities to learn. The world and consequently families change everyday. Family law must adapt to those changes in real time to reflect the reality of society. 

Outside of the office, I strive to give back to the community in Austin and explore the city. I am a member of the Junior League of Austin, the Austin Bar Association, and the Austin Young Lawyers Association. I am always looking for new and exciting places to eat in town, and I keep an extensive list of the places that I try. I look forward to being a member in the Krewe of Cleopatra in New Orleans and riding in my first Mardi Gras Parade in 2024. I have a dog named Winston that you might see if you follow the Slav Law social media accounts.